This is the page for the Dispatch package, a common interface to
which exploits a single Monte Carlo event to generate contributions
to event shape distributions at many
x and
Q values
simultaneously. This leads to considerable speed improvements when
looking at many points in
x and
The current release is dispatch-1.0.5 (see also the github page).
A brief description of the algorithm and instructions for use are
given in the documentation.
Additionally the following sets of fixed-order distributions,
generated with dispatch, are available for download:
distributions for a range of event shapes generated with about 1.8
billion DISASTER++ events at the mean x and Q values
of all bins where H1 measures event shapes. It must be decompressed
before use. (NB: owing to an oversight, the upper limit of the
C-parameter was set at 0.5 which means that distributions cannot be
calculated beyond C=0.5).
analogous file generated with 1.4 billion DISENT events (and with
the correct upper limit on the C-parameter).
Gavin Salam
Last modified: Mon Sep 6 14:49:37 CEST 2004