Gavin Salam's web

I am a researcher in theoretical particle physics at the University of Oxford. My work centres on the question of how to develop and use our understanding of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD, the theory of quarks and gluons) in order facilitate state-of-the-art measurements and discoveries at high-energy particle colliders, notably the LHC, including applications to Higgs physics, searches for new particles and studies of heavy-ion collisions.

The links to the left provide access to many of the software packages and other resources that I have developed, as well as slides from my research talks.

You can contact me by email at: Further contact details are to be found on my official Oxford pages at the Department of Physics and All Souls College.

My research is funded by a Royal Society Research Professorship and the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council. These web pages are kindly hosted by CERN.